Only Connect Wall - Header image for article post

Only Connect: Our first wall

We recently started to create content based on Only Connect, the BBC quiz show. If you want to know more about Only Connect, or what motivates us to draw on this TV program, take a look at our previous article.

In this article we talk about the first wall that we developed. We show the wall we posted, along with the answer. We also briefly describe the answers but we will articles for each answer so that we can provide more detail.

The wall

Below is the wall we posted. It was posted on Twitter, with the following message:


We are fans of @OnlyConnectQuiz and @VictoriaCoren, so thought we would set our own wall. Here are sixteen papers. Can you split them into four categories, each with four entries, and say why you have grouped them in that way? Answer soon. #PredatoryPublishing


If you are interested, you can see the tweet here.

We posted this wall on Twitter on 08 Feb 2023 and let it run for a couple of days. We pinned it to the top of of profile, so that it got as much exposure as possible.

Only Connect Wall from Predatory Publishing
Our first Only Connect wall from Predatory Publishing

The answer

We posted the answer on the 10 Feb 2023, by presenting the same wall, but color coded to show which of the papers are connected to which others.

The connections

This is how the papers are connected to each other.

Our first Only Connect wall from Predatory Publishing (the answer)

These papers were all written by Jeffrey Beall.We have discussed Beall in (at least) two of our other articles (see here and here). The second link talks about the first paper in the images above, that is the paper titled Bentham Open.

These papers all addressed predatory publishing in the context of nursing. We will provide more details in a later article.

These papers are all spoof papers, or sting papers if you prefer that phrase. We have touched on these papers in one of our other articles. We will discuss the papers presented here, in more detail, in a future article.

These papers were all published in Learned Publishing, which is one of the leading journals with respect to publishing papers that address predatory publishing. We will provide more details in a future paper.

Final comments

The aim of this wall (and we hope future walls) is primarily educational. It is a way of presenting information, we hope, in a fun way that draws people in and wanting to know more.


We know that the 4×4 wall may not be the best way to present the information, as it may not be easy to see the individual elements. We are considering a 3×3 wall (three categories, with three entries each) to try and make them easier to see.


Using Only Connect walls as a way to present information also enables us to write follow up articles, which provides more details about each wall. We could do this in this article, but it could make the article too long and readers may only be interested in one element of the wall’s categories.


Let us know in the comments any views/thoughts you have.

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