Predatory Publishing papers, from a Nursing perspective
One of the solutions to our first Only Connect wall was four papers that looked at predatory publishing and nirsing. In this article, we provide more details.
One of the solutions to our first Only Connect wall was four papers that looked at predatory publishing and nirsing. In this article, we provide more details.
We asked ChatGPT what it said about Here is what it said.
We discuss some of these issues and ask if there is an alternative way of classifying a predatory publisher/journal and, at least, start a discussion as to how these ideas could be developed.
If you want our help on predatory publishing related issues there are various ways we try to do this. This article provides details of how we can assist you and, in many cases, why we cannot. We also hope to provide some pointers as to what you can do if you have one of the more common questions, without having to rely on us.
Vít Macháček & Martin Srholec (2021) Predatory publishing in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences, Scientometrics, 126, 1897-1921 has been retracted due to: Errors in Analyses, Errors in Methods, Unreliable Results.
We provide a few more details,
Radio National’s Background Briefing recently presented a grim academic tale of identity theft, shambolic conferences, exploitation, sham peer review and pseudoscience.
This article was originally published in The Conversation.
The first predatory journal was the Journal of Biological Sciences, which was first published by ANSInet in January 2001. To arrive at this conclusion the 18 publishers that were analyzed by Jeffrey Beall in four papers that he published between 2009 and 2012 were considered. These 18 publishers were publishing 1,328 journals when Beall carried out his analysis.
Predatory publishing is the practice of publishers/journals charging fees to publish scientific articles, yet not providing the services that would normally be expected of a scientific journal. This includes not having robust peer review, thus not ensuring the quality and integrity of the papers which will form part of the scientific archive.
In 2010, Jeffrey Beall established a blog which listed what he believed were predatory journals and publishers. Beall’s List became the “go to” place for anybody who wished to know whether the journal they were planning to submit to was predatory or not. He started the list in 2010, but took it offline, without notice, in 2017, after coming under pressure from publishers, his peers and his own institution. Although the list was criticized, many saw it as a valuable resource and were sorry to see it go.
In this article we put a spotlight on, Beall, J. 2009. Bentham Open. The Charleston Advisor 11(1) 29-32. This paper was the first paper by Jeffrey Beall to discuss predatory publishing. In the paper, he analyzes the publisher Bentham Open which, at the time, published 236 journals.