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Frontiers Media – Articles and Editors (4 Feb 2023)


In one of our articles we looked at the number of editors, compared to the number of articles, for the journals in the Frontiers Media portfolio.


When the article was written, Frontiers were publishing 192 journals. Some of them were excluded from the analysis we carried out, as the number of articles and editors were not readily available.


In the article, we commented on a few of the journals, but did not present detailed information about them all.


We developed this page, so that we could present, and store as a matter of record, all the journals that we were able to collect the number of editors/articles.


You can see data for the 167 journals below and you can click on the images to enlarge them.


The data was collected on 4 February 2023.



We hope that you find this information useful.

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