A paper was retracted as eight authors were added without the journal's permission. We take a look at the profile of those eight authors.
Archives: Blog
Why (and how) would somebody write more than a letter every day to scientific journals?
We ask why somebody would publish more than one letter a day in scientific journals and what workflow this would entail.
Previously (and perhaps even now) We used to advise our students that publishing in special issues could be good as the reviewers are probably more aligned to the topic of the SI and the reviews...
We are often asked who funds us? For example, UKSG responded to one of out tweets, asking "When will you be more open about who you are and who is funding you (if anyone, indeed). Just out of...
Eleven papers are published every day with ChatGPT in the title
We have looked at how many papers with ChatGPT in the title. In 2024, more than 11 papers have been published every day.
Most journals require authors to acknowledge the use of Large Language Models, as as ChatGPT. We are argue that this does not go far enough.