Predatory journals make money by getting you to pay money for them to publish your article. It might seem unusual if they offer to waive the fee. In this article we explore why they might do that.
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Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. This means, at no additional cost to you, we receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase.Is open access the same as predatory...
If you get an email from a predatory journal, you should delete it. Or should you? Here are a few other things you could do.
It can be time consuming looking at a journal and trying to decide if it is a predatory journal. In this article we suggest three quick checks that you can do, whilst not being definitive, it could...
We look at the effect that publishing in predatory journals has on your CV. In our view, it is it not worth it, but see what you think.
We analyze a journal, to show you some of the thought processes we go through when trying to decide if a journal is predatory or not, and whether we should submit to that journal.