Reflecting on the publishers we have featured

On our Twitter feed, we have a number of themes, such as EMAIL Snippets and Soundbites from articles.

We have also started to look at various publishers, with the emphasis on publishers, as there are too many journals and, it is probably the case that if a publisher is publishing a predatory journal, then all the journals they publish are all likely to be predatory. No guarantee that this is the case, but it is not a bad working assumption.

Publishers (and others) we have looked at

This is a list of publishers, and one journal, we have looked so far. We note that one of them is not a publisher or a journal, but a bibliographic database.

  1. Scope Database: You can see the tweets here.
  2. Walsh Medical Media: You can see the tweets here.
  3. Remedy Publications: You can see the tweets here.
  4. Allied Academies: You can see the tweets here.
  5. ECronicon: You can see the tweets here.
  6. Scientific Reports: You can see the tweets here.
  7. Mega Journal of Oncology: You can see the tweets here.
  8. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development: You can see the tweets here.


We have been tweeting about publishers, and others, for a while now. We believe that it does give insight into how the publishers, and their journals, operate.

If we were critical of ourselves, and self-reflection is always good, we have adopted an approach where we have tweeted about anything we have found that is interesting. That is not, necessarily, a bad thing but we do not have a coherent set of information about each publisher that enables a comparison to be made between different publishers.

Going forward

Looking at the publishers that we listed above, we have (we believe) drawn out some insights, but it is not easy to look at our Twitter feed and to compare one publisher against another, or even to get an overview of that individual publisher.

To address this, we plan to be a lot more methodical in the future. By that, we mean that we will try and collect similar information about a given publisher before looking at some of the more unique elements of that publisher.

Once we have collated all the data for a given publisher we will collate it into a single document. We will make that document available to our patrons and also try and publish the document so that it is available to a wider audience.

At some point, we will revisit some, perhaps all, of the publishers listed about. We have also started to identify some other publishers that we will take a look at. We will share these in a later post and we will also be asking for suggestions from the community.

If you would like to support our work as a patron, please take a look at this article, which will give provide you with all the information you need. It will not only give you access to the reports that we will produce, ahead of anybody else receiving them, but there are other benefits which are outlined in the article referred to above.

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