This page presents a few images that we have generated for our Twitter feed. As the images/text are generated from our database, it is unlikely that these would have appeared on Twitter, as they appear here, but they are generated using the same database.
If you want to see these type of tweets on Twitter, take a look at out Twitter page, using hashtag #FJNSoundBite.
The text on each of the images below is taken from a paper or article. That is, it is a soundbite from a paper/article. You can:
- Enlarge the image by clicking on it
- Go to the article from where the soundbite comes from by clicking on the link below the image
- Get more images by refreshing the page
If you see an article you’d like to refer to again, please remember it, as this page generates a random selection each time and you may not be able to get back to it.
From “What I learned from predatory publishers” (Go to article)
From “Publishing in an Environment of Predation: The Many Things You Really Wanted to Know, but Did Not Know How to Ask” (Go to article)
From “Is this a legitimate journal? How we respond” (Go to article)
From “Publishing in an Environment of Predation: The Many Things You Really Wanted to Know, but Did Not Know How to Ask” (Go to article)
From “Why we should have listened to Jeffrey Beall from the start” (Go to article)
From “Publishing in an Environment of Predation: The Many Things You Really Wanted to Know, but Did Not Know How to Ask” (Go to article)