The A-Z of Predatory Publishing

Predatory publishing: A to Z of elements” recently popped up on our Twitter feed (see image below). We found it very useful as a quick checklist for many aspects of predatory publishing.

Of course, fitting something into an A-Z format comes with challenges, as you need to find something for every letter. When you do this, ‘X’ is often a problem, and this checklist is no exception.

But, great work by TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency) who have created an infographic that is not only useful and eye catching, but is also informative. Presenting this list as an A-Z is certainly a great idea and gives you a reason to pay attention.

This infographic is well worth a read. It will be two minutes well spent and you could learn a lot.

If you want to follow the links that are embedded in the infographic, take a look at their web site. Some of the links are behind “subscription accounts”, for example the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports referenced as part of letter ‘J’. That is not the fault of TEQSA and, we suspect, that many people who access this resource will have access via their institution so, hopefully, not too much of an issue.

Others links are freely available, such as the link to “Hijacked Journals”, which links to a version of Beall’s List, which we have also written about.

The other link we found useful is the link to Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA). If you are not aware of this organization, their web site is well worth a look.

In future articles, we plan to take a look in more detail at some of the points that are mentioned in this infographic, as we do have some views that we would like to share.


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